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Laboratoire PYC celebrates its 40th anniversary 1024 512 admin-pyc
laboratoire pyc 40 ans

Laboratoire PYC celebrates its 40th anniversary

Laboratoire PYC celebrates its 40th anniversary. Photos and key dates. Discover…

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NUTRICOSMETICS: how to use them? 1024 512 admin-pyc

NUTRICOSMETICS: how to use them?

10 years have passed since the first nutricosmetic formula; an opportunity to recall the interest of these beauty food supplements and how to use them…

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Almond, lemon, toffee, chocolate or vanilla, your recipes of high protein cake with low sugar content. 1024 512 admin-pyc

Almond, lemon, toffee, chocolate or vanilla, your recipes of high protein cake with low sugar content.

Laboratoire PYC offers cakes with various flavors and with less than a gram of sugar per cake.

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Laboratoire PYC, partner of RAID EDHEC 1024 512 admin-pyc

Laboratoire PYC, partner of RAID EDHEC

Laboratoire PYC, in partnership with the French business school EDHEC, provided products to the participants of RAID EDHEC. Video and commented results of the athletes.

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High protein products: designing effective and quality diet recipes. 1024 512 admin-pyc
protéine; protein

High protein products: designing effective and quality diet recipes.

Interview with Dominique THIERY, responsible for the formulation of high protein powder products at Laboratoire PYC for 20 years.

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5-day starter pack, taste pleasure for slimming efficiency. 1024 512 admin-pyc

5-day starter pack, taste pleasure for slimming efficiency.

27 people (20 women and 7 men) tested the starter pack over 12 days of program. 81% of participants successfully achieved their weight loss goal.

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DIGITAL PROJECT – THE TEAM 1024 614 admin-pyc


Recipes, videos, blog, LinkedIn, website, digital catalogue…we create together the digital communication of Laboratoire PYC.

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Matcha tea : add it to your private label range. Know all about the rising trend of the ancestral healthy ingredient. 1024 576 admin-pyc

Matcha tea : add it to your private label range. Know all about the rising trend of the ancestral healthy ingredient.

Used during centuries for its antioxidant, revigorating and slimming virtues, matcha tea has become over the years the well-being partner in many homes.

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Stand-up pouch : 5 reasons to use it for your brand packaging 1024 576 admin-pyc

Stand-up pouch : 5 reasons to use it for your brand packaging

With the investment in a stand-up pouch line, Laboratoire PYC offers a new possibility of packaging for its customers.

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3 reasons to develop your own meal replacement range 150 150 admin-pyc

3 reasons to develop your own meal replacement range

After 30 days of test on weight-control meal replacements, Alliance 7 has observed a great satisfaction among consumers. Key figures are presented by Laboratoire PYC.

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